TW Peacocke's extensive experience in drama, comedy, documentary, and 3D animation reflects his remarkable versatility as a filmmaker. His has directed over 200 television movies and series for major networks across North America including multiple episodes of Schitt’s Creek, Pure, Haven, Murdoch Mysteries, Rookie Blue, Heartland, and the award-winning Canada Russia ’72. His work as a director, producer, actor and writer has been honoured with a Canadian Screen Award, a Directors Guild Award, and two Canadian Comedy Awards.
He has a degree in history from Yale, where he also played junior varsity hockey, and studied painting at the Banff Centre, French literature in France, and attended the Graduate Film Program at New York University.
Born in Pittsburgh and raised in Edmonton, TW is a citizen of both Canada and the United States. He speaks English and French and can get by in several other romance languages. He served for ten years on Executive Boards of the Directors Guild of Canada and is a member of the Writers Guild.
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